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Florida IP Address Lookup

A Florida IP address lookup is the process of using dedicated IP search tools to retrieve details about an IP Address. This includes all public information pertaining to a public IP address, such as device information, its approximate location, Internet Service Provider (ISP), and details of the owner (if applicable). Disclosable information, in this case, is as specified by the state’s public records statutes on Florida public records.

A reverse IP lookup is useful for a number of reasons; it enables the tracking of a specific IP address, and it allows network providers or administrators to detect malicious activity or intruders in their network. Florida law enforcement can also use IP searches to curb cybercrime, track down fugitives, and access information about internet users and social media accounts where it is relevant for legal prosecution.

Is IP Lookup Legal in Florida?

Yes. However, the IP address details retrieved from an IP lookup tool must not be used to violate the individual's rights or compromise their security. Persons who are found guilty of exploiting the information they obtain from an IP check for illegal purposes like cybercrimes, impersonation, and internet stalking are prosecuted per state statutes. Chapter 815 of the Florida Statutes lists several computer-related offenses that violate citizens' rights to privacy. Some of the main offenses, charges, and penalties listed within this chapter are as follows:

  • Offense: Unauthorized access to computers, computer systems, or electronic devices
    Charge: First-degree misdemeanor or third-degree felony, depending on the circumstances.
    Penalty: Up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine up to $1,000 for a first-degree misdemeanor, and up to 5 years in prison and/or a fine up to $5,000 for a third-degree felony.
  • Offense: Computer-related theft or offenses against intellectual property
    Charge: Depending on the value of the property involved, the charges can range from a third-degree felony to a first-degree felony.
    Penalty: Penalties can range from up to 5 years in prison and/or a fine up to $5,000 for a third-degree felony, to up to 30 years in prison and/or a fine up to $10,000 for a first-degree felony.
  • Offense: Offenses against users of computers, computer systems, computer networks, or electronic devices
    Charge: First-degree misdemeanor or third-degree felony, depending on the circumstances.
    Penalty: Up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine up to $1,000 for a first-degree misdemeanor, and up to 5 years in prison and/or a fine up to $5,000 for a third-degree felony.
  • Offense: Destruction, damage, or impairment of the operation of computers, computer systems, or electronic devices
    Charge: Ranging from a second-degree misdemeanor to a first-degree felony, depending on the circumstances.
    Penalty: Penalties can range from up to 60 days in jail and/or a fine up to $500 for a second-degree misdemeanor to up to 30 years in prison and/or a fine up to $10,000 for a first-degree felony.

What is My IP Address?

An IP address, short for internet protocol address, refers to a string of numbers that serve as unique identifiers for every computer within a computer network. It can be considered a digital address for internet-connected devices that facilitates communication.

There are two major IP address classes: IPV4 and IPV6. The most common, the IPV4 comprises four sets of numbers, each separated by a dot such as, with each part written in base 10 and representing an eight-bit binary number ranging from 0 to 255. On the other hand, the IPV6 comprises eight sets of numbers, this time separated by a colon, such as 2620:cc:8000:1c82:544c:cc2e:f2fa:5a9b with each part written in base 16, representing a sixteen-bit binary number.

The major difference between an IPV4 and an IPV6 is the ability of the former to create more unique addresses than the latter. The IPV4 has a limited range of possible addresses that can be created, being a set of 32-bit numbers, a total of 232, equal to 4.3 billion possible addresses. This was created with the greatest possible number of users in mind. However, as time progressed, the ever-increasing population of internet users began to prompt the need for a larger addressing system, which resulted in the IPV6, a set of 128-bit numbers, totalling 2128 equal to 340 undecillion, a 39 digits long number.

What Does an IP Address Lookup Reveal in Florida?

A Florida IP address lookup provides information about:

  • Geolocation: While this doesn't reveal the exact geographical location or home address, inquirers can retrieve the city, zip code, or area code through an IP location lookup
  • The name and location of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) can be determined from an IP address. In actuality, the geolocation of your ISP's closest servers - and not necessarily that of your device - is usually always revealed by an IP lookup.
  • Information about the browser, such as name, version, proxy, etc., would also be revealed by an IP lookup.
  • Information about the device, such as its name, operating system, processing power, etc., may also be discovered by an IP lookup.
    Some IP location databases also provide additional IP details depending on the device, its owner, and the kind of database in question.

How to Find My IP Address Location

Persons who wish to find their IP address location can start their search on an IP-location database or specialized search engines. An online search for "What is my IP address?" will provide available options for looking up IP address locations. However, Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and proxy servers can affect IP lookup results.

How are IP Addresses Assigned in Florida?

In Florida, various entities are responsible for assigning IP addresses. The International Assigned Numbers Authority (IANN) is tasked with distributing IP address blocks to regional Internet registries. In turn, the Regional Internet Registries (RIR) give smaller blocks to country registries.

The task of allocating IP addresses in North America, the Caribbean, and the North Atlantic Islands falls within the purview of the Internet Corporation for Names, Numbers (ICANN), and the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN).

Ultimately, these organizations are in charge of distributing IPs to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), who then assign these numbers to each device. For IPV4 networks, this is done automatically using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). For IPV6 networks, this is done using Stateless IP Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC), where the device connects to the network and essentially grabs an IP address from the pool of available addresses.

An ISP or hosting company that offers internet services in the United States of America is given a Florida IP address; they then distribute these IP addresses to their customers, who can be individuals or businesses.

How to Find Someone's Exact Location with an IP Address in Florida

In Florida, IP address lookup services are available to the public. However, while basic information about the country and city can be obtained using an IP address lookup service, specific details like the house address of a person can only be obtained with their Internet Service Provider.

Florida IP Address Tracker

An IP address tracker executes an IP address query using the IPV4, IPV6, or domain name address. Once this information is entered into the search box, relevant are produced. The following information can be obtained using an IP address tracker:

  • IP address
  • Country
  • Region
  • City
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Organization
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

Where Do I Conduct a Free IP Address Lookup in Florida?

Several organizations and third-party service providers offer free IP address lookup services to interested parties. Inquirers obtain options on the internet by conducting a simple online search using any search engine. In choosing a service, users are advised to select a reputable option for the most reliable results. For instance:

Can Police Track an IP Address in Florida?

The only way Florida's police or law enforcement can trace IP addresses is through direct communication with internet service providers.

Pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 815, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must provide information regarding an IP address to Law Enforcement if the IP is relevant to a computer-related offence or will help in an ongoing investigation.

As captured in the statutes, the conditions in which IP tracking is necessary include:

  • Computer-related crimes that occur at great cost to the public
  • Crimes that cause destruction, damage, or injury to computer networks
  • Crimes that interfere with or impair governmental operation or public communication, transportation, or supply of any public service.
  • Crimes that endanger human lives and property, and felonies of every sought (first degree, second degree, etc.)

How Many IP Addresses are There in Florida?

According to available statistics, the US is assigned more than 1,541,605,760 IPV4 addresses or around 35.9% of the more than 4 billion IPV4 addresses currently in use. Of this number, Florida has 373,214 IP addresses total - 281,781 IPV4 addresses and 91,433 IPV6 addresses - that are distributed around the state. This represents less than 1% of all IP addresses in the nation.

How Many Websites are Hosted in Florida?

There are more than 50 million domains hosted in the United States. America maintains 2.5% of the 1.8 billion websites hosted worldwide (of which only 200 million are active). Similarly, Florida has about 152 web hosting businesses nationwide that offer on-demand hosting services to people and businesses (such as Glowhost, Clickstrat, SSD Cloud, Insight Technologies, etc.). Currently, no confirmed information is available to the public about the number of websites hosted in the state.

Notable Florida IP Address Cases

In Florida, IP addresses have been utilized to take legal action against criminals; specifically, those charged with invasion of residents' privacy and using the internet to commit crimes or fraud within the state's borders. On the other hand, there are concerns about state citizens breaking the law and how IP addresses can be insufficient to identify a person as the perpetrator of a crime that has been heard in state courts.

An instance of this is when a Florida District Court judge ruled that an IP address does not identify a person capable of infringing, as was the case put up by a copyright troll named Malibu Media, in the case Malibu Media LLC vs Doe.

On the other hand, IP addresses, especially when used in conjunction with Internet Service Providers, can be a significant lead at the beginning of a trial for a person involved in online crime (ISPs). One such instance involves the Weston Man, who was apprehended by the police for distributing child pornography after the police used his IP address to track him to his home. Also known as Mark Allan Greenberg vs State, law enforcement utilized the suspect's IP address to identify his location after suspicious advertisements were being circulated from his neighbourhood.

Florida Web Hosting Companies

Depending on customer demands and business preferences, a number of web hosting companies in Florida offer hosting services to interested parties throughout the state. Here are a few illustrations:

  • Ace Cloud Hosting (ACE): Specializes in hosting accounting applications such as QuickBooks, tax software (ATX), etc.
  • Domain Market: Great platform for marketers and business owners.
  • Miss Hosting: Provides web hosting, VPNs, Dedicated Servers, web security, etc.
  • TMD Hosting: Provides an extra layer of security for clients.
  • Hosting Matters: Provides top-notch support, stable servers, and a plan for every hosting need.

Companies that provide web hosting run servers where websites can store their material and where devices connected to the internet can access it. They also offer other services like domain name registration, cybersecurity, and hosting.

What is IP Geolocation?

IP geolocation is the process of employing search tools to locate a domain name or IP address, particularly based on its location, including the country, region (city), latitude/longitude, and time zone. IP geolocation filters the data to get only pertinent geographical information, whereas the information retrieved from standard IP address lookups is larger. Whether tracing an email sender or learning more about the content delivery systems used by international companies IP geolocation might be helpful.

How to Find My IP Geolocation

Anyone can use command line programs or web search engines to find their IP geolocation. The first option is advised for those without technical understanding or prefer a straightforward, visual presentation of the search results. The latter method is advised for experienced searchers who can set up specialized software or operating systems to conduct their search. In either case, both techniques for determining IP geolocation demand that the searcher disables any VPNs or proxy services they may be using.

How to Conduct an IP Geolocation Lookup in Florida

An IP address check is similar to an IP geolocation lookup. The searcher must get hold of the relevant IP address and enter it into the geolocation database. The search tool will return the geographical information connected to the IP address searched. Other websites that offer geolocation lookup services include ip.me, Geotool, and IP address location.

Where to Do a Free IP Geolocation Lookup in Florida

The majority of IP address lookup services enable free IP geolocation searches. Interested parties can perform a free IP geolocation lookup in Florida by employing the aforementioned service providers or looking online for additional tools.