What are Deerfield Beach Public Records?
Under the Florida Sunshine Law, Deerfield Beach public records are all letters, documents, books, maps, data processing software, and any other material made or received in accordance with law or the transaction of official business regardless of form, mode of transmission, or characteristics of the record. Certain public records may be exempt from disclosure in compliance with a statute or court order. Examples of such records include
- information about agency management, investigation, or personnel
- Information that reveals the identity of a victim of child abuse
- Information revealing the identity of the victim of human trafficking
- Documents that reveal the identity, home or employment address and phone number, or personal assets of victims of crime.
Deerfield Beach Crime Statistics
The Federal Bureau of Investigation maintains a record of crime within the states, counties, and cities in the US through the Uniform Crime Reporting(UCR) portal. In 2019, Deerfield Beach recorded 2,512 crimes, 351 violent crimes, and 2,161 property crimes. The most common violent crime was aggravated assault with 215 recorded incidents. The least common violent crime was murder with 6 reported cases. Other violent crimes were 31 rapes and 99 robberies. The lowest recorded property crime was arson with just 2 cases. Other reported property crimes were 211 burglaries and 247 motor vehicle thefts. The most common property crime was LArceny-theft with 1,703 incidents.
Are Deerfield Beach Criminal Records Public?
Deerfield Beach criminal records are public information generally available to any interested member of the public. Interested persons may obtain Deerfield Beach criminal records from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement(FDLE). Records may be found by conducting searches on the FDLE using the instant search, the certified/non-certified, or the ORI search.
Instant search results are uncertified records available immediately upon request. Requesters will be required to pay a $24 fee through debit or credit card and a $1 card processing fee. The certified/non-certified search requires the interested party to provide demographic information to the FDLE. Results may be notarized and certified if required and will be returned to the address provided by the requester. Processing time for certified requests is 6-7 business days while non-certified records have 5 days. Each request costs $24 to be paid by credit or debit card. The ORI search requires an ORI number. Results are sent directly to the person authorized by the ORI. Costs differ based on the agency, statute, or the entity requesting.
How to Obtain Deerfield Beach Police Reports and Arrest Records?
Law Enforcement in Deerfield Beach is provided by the Broward County Sheriff. Interested persons may obtain police reports and arrest records from the Broward County Sheriff Deerfield Beach district using the online Public Records Center. Interested persons may submit records requests or track old requests on the platform. Reports may also be obtained by sending a written request or visiting the office at
Broward Sheriff's Office
Deerfield Beach District
300 NE 2nd Street
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
(954) 480-4300
How to Find Sex Offender Information in Deerfield Beach
Sex offenders in Deerfield Beach may be found using the Sexual Offender and Predator Search maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Residents may search for individual sex offenders within Deerfield Beach by providing the first and last name of the offender. Alternatively, interested persons may conduct a neighborhood search providing the address, city, zip code, and radius for the intended search. Other search options include a University/Campus search and an Email Address/Internet Identifier Search. Users may also sign up to receive free email alerts whenever a registered offender moves within a specified radius. Sex offenders in Deerfield Beach may also be found through the crime mapping portal maintained by the Broward County Sheriff.
How to Find Deerfield Beach Inmate Records
Inmates in Deerfield Beach are kept at the Broward County jails. Information on inmates housed in the county jail can be found using the arrest search tool on the Sheriff’s website. Alternatively, interested persons may visit the jail facilities or contact the Broward County Sheriff at
Broward Sheriff's Office
2601 West Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Phone: (954) 765-4321
How Do I Visit an inmate in Deerfield Beach Jail?
The Broward County Sheriff maintains four jail facilities where persons arrested in Deerfield Beach may be kept. The four jail facilities are:
The Joseph V. Conte Facility
1351 North West 27th Avenue
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
(954) 831-5900
North Broward Bureau
1550 North West 30th Avenue
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
(954) 831-5900
Paul Rein Detention Facility
2421 North West 16 Street
Pompano Beach, FL 33069
(954) 831-5900
Main Jail Bureau
555 South East 1st Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 831-5900
Inmates at the different facilities will have visiting schedules as specified by their facility. Generally, inmates are permitted two 2- hour visits weekly. No more than 2 persons may visit an inmate at a go. Minors can only visit when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Note that visitors will be required to present valid photo IDs when visiting.
Court Records
Deerfield falls under the Broward Court system which is the 17th Judicial Circuit of Florida. The Broward County court system comprises one Circuit Court and four County Courts. The Circuit Court has general jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. It generally handles cases outside the jurisdiction of the County Courts such as civil claims exceeding $15,000 or felonies. The County Court has jurisdiction over misdemeanors, civil cases with claims under $15,000, and violations of municipal and county ordinances among others.
Location of Courts
Broward County Circuit Court
Broward County Judicial Complex
201 South East 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: (954) 831-6565
County Court of Broward County
Broward County Judicial Complex
201 South East 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: (954) 831-6565
County Court of Broward County - North
North Regional Courthouse
1600 West Hillsboro Boulevard
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Phone: (954) 831-6565
County Court of Broward County - South
South Regional Courthouse
3550 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood, FL 33021
Phone: (954) 831-6565
County Court of Broward County - West
West Regional Courthouse
100 North Pine Island Road
Plantation, FL 33324
Phone: (954) 831-6565
Are Deerfield Beach Court Records Public?
Deerfield Beach court records are public records and may be accessed by any member of the public unless expressly restricted by statute or court order. Interested persons may obtain court records such as case files, court calendars, judgments and exhibit images, etc.
How to Obtain Deerfield Beach Civil Court Case Records
Deerfield Beach civil court case records are maintained by the Broward County Clerk of Courts. Deerfield Beach civil court case records may be accessed online using the Broward County Clerk’s case search portal. Interested persons may conduct a party name, business name, case number, or citation number search. Members of the public may also order copies of civil court case records online, or in person at the court where the case was tried. Electronic orders cost $8 per document payable by credit card.
Alternatively, email or fax a court record request form to redactarchives@browardclerk.org or (954) 831-5550 Interested individuals may also visit the archives division of the clerk’s office in person at
201 SE 6th Street, East Wing,
Room: 03-340,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
How to Obtain Deerfield Beach Criminal Court Records
Deerfield Beach criminal court records are accessible on the Broward County clerk’s case search portal. Interested persons may search for cases or order copies online.
Interested persons may obtain copies from the office of the clerk on weekdays between 8 00 a.m. and 3 30 p.m.at
Archives Division
Central Courthouse Judicial Complex East Building
201 South East 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
3rd Floor
Room 03340
Alternatively, send a completed court record request form to redactarchives@browardclerk.org or (954) 831-5550 Mail the completed form to
Archives Division
Room 03340
201 South East 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: (954) 831-6565
Fax: (954) 831-5550
What are Deerfield Beach Vital Records?
Deerfield Beach vital records are official records of important life events within the city. Deerfield Beach vital records include records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. Access to vital records may be restricted depending on the record sought. Interested persons may obtain vital records from the Broward County Clerk of Courts or the Florida Department of Health.
Where and How to Obtain Deerfield Beach Divorce Records
Interested parties may obtain the original Deerfield Beach divorce decree from the clerk of the Broward Circuit Court under the county records division. Requests may be made in person on weekdays between 8 00 a.m. and 3 30 p.m. at the archives division
Central Courthouse
Judicial Complex, East Building
201 S.E. 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
3rd Floor, Room: 03340
Divorce records that are available online on the case search portal may be purchased online. If the record cannot be found online, a record search request may be made by sending a completed Court Records Request Form by email to Redactarchives@browardclerk.org or fax to (954) 831-5550
Residents may also obtain a dissolution of the marriage certificate from the Florida Department of Health dating as far back as June 6, 1927. Any member of the public may request divorce records in person or through the mail. Requesters may send in a written request or download and complete the Application for Dissolution of Marriage Report and send it alongside the required fee to
Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics,
P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville,
FL 32231-0042
Broward County Health Department
780 SouthWest 24 Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
(954) 467-4700
Payments should be by check or money order only.
A requester may choose instead to bring in the completed form to the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics Office. Drop-ins should be on weekdays between 8 00 a.m. and 4 30 p.m. at
1217 N Pearl Street,
Jacksonville, FL 32202
The Bureau of Vital Statistics will charge a non-refundable search fee of $5 for each calendar year it is to search. Additional copies of the record will cost $4. If the year of the divorce is unknown, a fee of $2 is charged for each year required to search.
Written requests should contain
- Full name of both spouses as shown on the record
- Date of Dissolution
- County where dissolution granted
- Full Name
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- Signature of Applicant
- Relationship to the person on the dissolution of marriage record
Where and How to Get Public Deerfield Beach Marriage Records
Deerfield Beach marriage records are maintained by the Broward County Clerk of Courts. Interested persons may obtain copies in person or by mail. Applicants may send a self-addressed business envelope and an application containing the name of both parties to the marriage and the date of the marriage to
Marriage Division
540 SE 3rd Avenue, Room 02460
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Note that only certificates for marriage licenses issued in Broward County are available from the clerk. Applications cost $5 for the first copy and $3 for each additional copy. Payment may be made through
- Attorney Firm, Personal, Business, Cashiers and Travelers check made payable to the Clerk of Courts
- Money orders made payable to the Clerk of Courts
In-person requests may be made by visiting any of the court locations below
Marriage Central
Central Courthouse
Midrise Building
540 SE 3rd Avenue
2nd Floor, Room 02460
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Marriage North
North Regional Courthouse
1600 West Hillsboro Boulevard
Room: 160
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Marriage South
South Regional Courthouse
3550 Hollywood Boulevard
Room 160
Hollywood, FL 33021
Marriage West
West Regional Courthouse
100 North Pine Island Road
Room 180
Plantation, FL 33324
Visits should be on a weekday between 8 00 a.m. and 3 30 p.m.
Deerfield Beach marriage records dating as far back as June 6, 1927, may be obtained from the Florida Department of Health. Interested parties may make an in-person request on a weekday between 8 00 a.m. and 4 30 p.m. at
Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics
1217 North Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Alternatively, an interested party may send a completed application form or a written request and a check or money order for the required fee by mail to
P.O. Box 210
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042
(904) 359-6900, extension 9000
Email: vitalstats@flhealth.gov
Broward County Health Department
780 SouthWest 24 Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
(954) 467-4700
Requests to the Department of health will cost $5 for the search and an initial certified copy. Additional copies will cost $4 per copy and a $2 fee per year will be charged for each year the bureau is required to search where the date of the marriage is unknown.
Where an interested party is unable to download the application form, a written request may be sent to the above address containing:
- The full name of each party to the marriage before the marriage
- Date of birth of both parties
- Date of marriage
- County where the marriage license was issued
- City or town where the marriage was solemnized
Where and How to Find Deerfield Beach Birth Records
The Florida Department of Health maintains Deerfield Beach birth records. Deerfield Beach Birth records are restricted for 100 years after the birth. Only the following persons may obtain birth records within that period:
- The Registrant
- The parents listed on the record
- The Legal guardian of the registrant
- A legal representative of any of the parties above
- Anyone who obtains a court order to access the record
Either of the above may complete an Affidavit to Release Birth Certificate authorizing another person to obtain the certificate.
Where the registrant dies before 100 years elapse, copies may also be issued to
- The spouse,
- Adult Siblings
- Children
- Grandchildren
- The legal representative of any of these persons
Applications may be made in person on weekdays between 8 00 a.m. and 4 30 p.m. or send a written request or a completed application for a Florida birth record, a valid photo ID, and the required payment. Submit these documents in person or by mail to:
Physical address:
Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics
1217 North Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Monday to Friday; between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 210
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042
(904) 359-6900, extension 9000
Email: vitalstats@flhealth.gov
Broward County Health Department
780 SouthWest 24 Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
(954) 467-4700
For fax applications, send a birth certificate request form, a copy of a valid photo ID, and a credit card authorization form to (321) 454-7164 Fax applications cost an additional $10 with express delivery available for an extra $18.
Persons sending in written requests should ensure they contain the following:
- Full name of the registrant
- Sex of the registrant
- Date of birth (if unknown, specify a range of years to be searched and provide an additional fee of $2.00 per calendar year)
- City or County of birth
- Parents full name(s) before first marriage
- Full name of the applicant
- Relationship to the person named on the record
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- Signature of Applicant
Where and How to Find Deerfield Beach Death Records
Deerfield Beach death records are semi-public records. Any adult may obtain a death record without the cause of death and the social security number of the registrant partially redacted. However, only authorized persons may obtain a full unredacted death certificate within 50 years of the death. Persons eligible to obtain unredacted copies include:
- The decedent’s spouse
- The decedent’s parent;
- The decedent’s child, grandchild, or siblings (if of legal age)
- Any person who provides a will, insurance policy, or another document that demonstrates interest in the estate of the deceased
- A legal representative of any of the above persons;
- A person with a court order
Unauthorized persons may obtain a complete death record if authorized by any of the above persons. Such an application must be accompanied by a notarized Affidavit to Release Cause of Death Information and a copy of a valid photo ID of the applicant and the person authorizing it.
Applications may be made in person or by mail. For mail applications, send in a written request or a completed application form to
P.O. Box 210
Jacksonville, FL 32231-0042
(904) 359-6900, extension 9000
Email: vitalstats@flhealth.gov
Broward County Health Department
780 SouthWest 24 Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
(954) 467-4700
Otherwise, visit the vital statistics office at
Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics
1217 North Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Monday to Friday; between 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Bureau will charge a $5 non-refundable search fee and additional copies will cost $4 each.
A written request may be sent where the application form is inaccessible. The request should contain
- Full name on the death record
- Sex of the deceased
- Date of death (if unknown, specify a range of years to be searched and provide an additional fee of $2.00 per calendar year)
- Date of birth of the deceased
- City or County of death
- Social Security number of the deceased
- Full name of the applicant
- Relationship to decedent
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- Signature of Applicant
- Type of divorce record being requested