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Florida Asbestos License Lookup
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Florida Asbestos License Lookup

Given the toxic nature of asbestos and the risks involved in handling asbestos-containing materials in Florida, the state government requires Florida asbestos certifications for asbestos workers, professionals, and establishments.

The Florida Department of Business and professional regulation is tasked with issuing licenses and regulating asbestos contractors and consultants. The complexities that arise during the asbestos license application process are handled by the Department's Bureau of central intake, which also processes applications for licensure.

The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to create and ensure compliance regulations to defend the general public from exposure to airborne contaminants known to be hazardous to human health. According to Section 112 of the CAA, the EPA established by the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), asbestos is a hazardous air pollutant likely to pose an imminent danger to the public. On April 6, 1973, EPA first propagated the Asbestos NESHAP in 40 CFR Part 61. In 1982, EPA passed decision-making responsibilities for the implementation and enforcement of the Asbestos NESHAP to the state of Florida.

While the Florida department of health in each county enforces the NESHAP in each county, the Florida department of environmental protection (DEP) operates a business portal where queries relating to the compliance with and abatement of asbestos-containing materials are handled.

The ultimate goal of the DEP is to ensure the safety of the release of asbestos fibers during the handling of materials that contain asbestos. NESHAP specifies practices that should be followed during demolitions and reconstruction of structures. In addition, the regulation also requires owners of buildings to contact the DEP office to ascertain the amount of asbestos in a building.

Florida Asbestos License Lookup

The official DBPR online website provides information about licensed professionals. Inquirers can make queries or searches by

Name: licenses can be queried with keyword first, last or middle name. Inquirers can also search for information and verify permits by using the filter search option, searching with exact names of organizations or businesses, or alternate spelling of the name queried.

License number: when searching by license number, it is possible to search by the number part of the license only or by the entire license number, including the letters. If the license type and category are known, this can be used to limit searches for greater specificity.

License type: it is possible to search for licenses by License Type within a City or County. Applicants must always select a License Category, License Type, and a city or county. This search will always return licenses for the selected type within the city or county.

Further questions regarding asbestos education, license issuing, validation, or certification can also be directed to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation at (850) 487-1395.

There are three available types of asbestos licenses available in Florida. They include:

Asbestos contractor licenses: individuals with these licenses are qualified professionals and can undertake projects under contract. Contractors can submit bids to and employ individuals under supervision to discard and generally handle asbestos-containing materials.

Asbestos consultant licenses: these give authority to professionals to maintain and supervise quality control of asbestos prevention in building structures, develop operational maintenance plans, prepare prevention specifications, and perform other associated tasks.

Asbestos business license: These are businesses that are qualified by either a licensed asbestos contractor or consultant to perform the work within the scope of the holder's license. It is essentially a holder of an asbestos contractor license or an asbestos consultant license that applies this to the business.

Per Florida state law, all asbestos consultants must be licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The license of an asbestos consultant may only be issued to:

  • Applicants who hold a current, valid, and active licenses as architects as provided by Chapter 481 of 2012 Florida statues
  • Persons who hold active licenses as professional engineers per chapter 471
  • Persons who hold licenses as professional geologists as provided in chapter 492
  • Diplomats of the American Board of Industrial Hygiene and persons who have been designated certified safety professionals by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.

Florida Asbestos Contractor's License Prerequisites

Asbestos contractors must have engaged in and completed ten asbestos jobs within five years before applying for a license and provide evidence of financial stability. Applicants must also pass a department-approved examination of qualifications and knowledge relating to asbestos usage and handling.

Asbestos contractors cannot perform abatement activities involving work that affects buildings unless licensed under chapter 489 of Florida statutes.

Course requirements for licensure:

The course licensure for individuals varies according to the desired license and the scope of work to be carried out by the licensed individual.

Asbestos consultant-initial training requires the applicant to undertake:

  1. A minimum of 3 days building and mechanical systems course
  2. A minimum of 2 days of asbestos management course
  3. A 3-day respiratory protection course
  4. A minimum of a 3-day project designer course

Other semi-professionals such as asbestos surveyors, management planners, project designers, and project monitors are not necessarily required to have a state license. Still, they must work under the supervision of an asbestos consultant.

Asbestos contractors are also are required to undergo:

  1. A 3-day (minimum) building asbestos surveys and mechanical systems course.
  2. A 2-day (minimum)asbestos management course.
  3. A 3-day minimum project designer course.

State licenses are not required for asbestos abatement workers, onsite supervisors, or onsite roofing supervisors. Still, they all must perform all handling of asbestos-containing materials under the supervision of an actively licensed asbestos contractor.

Asbestos License Renewal in Florida

Licenses usually expire on the 30th of November every odd year. DBPR sends out notifications to licensed individuals for the renewal of licenses. This is 90-120 days before the expiration of the license. The notices are sent by email

Interested and eligible persons may renew their asbestos licenses online using the DBPR's Online Services to make payment and access licensing information using our web services at www.MyFloridaLicense.com. Payments can be made by accessing by activating or accessing a created online account.

To initiate the application process, applicants must pay $5

Returning users can visit the DBPR home page, select "My Account," and enter their email address or user ID and password to access their account.

New users will be required to create a new online profile by selecting the "Create My Account" option. Afterward, they must complete the user registration form.

After creating the account, applicants will be required to select the "Link an Existing License to My Account" option and choose the profession or business category appropriate for the applicable license.

After selecting the license type from the drop-down menu, registrants may enter their license number and the last four digits of their SSN or tax number.

Applicants will then be prompted to "Add" the license to the registration and return to the Main Menu, where they can perform online services, including renewing any linked license or certification.

Most asbestos licenses typically require renewal every two years. However, before an asbestos contractor license can be renewed, applicants must complete a 1-day continuing education course in the two years prior. Similarly, an asbestos consultant's license may be renewed after the licensee completes a 2-day continuing education course during the preceding two years. The cost of continuing education for an asbestos contractor and asbestos consultant is $155.

Asbestos licenses are not transferable. Hence, to practice in the state of Florida, a new license would be required by consultants or contractors licensed in other states.

An active status license can be printed at any point using the secure online account with the Department by following the instructions and using the tab "Print your license". Additionally, after an account has been created and linked with the professional license, the account owner can view their license on a mobile device using the DBPR mobile application from the Apple app store or Google play. Once installed applicant can navigate to "my license" and enter the login and password information used to create the account.

Fee information for active licenses

Per the deadline set by the DBPR on the renewal of asbestos licenses, if postmarked or submitted electronically by midnight ET on November 30th, the fee is $250.

If postmarked and submitted electronically after midnight ET November 30th, the fee is $275.

Important information for renewal of active licenses

  1. A license must not be inactive before payment is made.
  2. State law requires the licensee to maintain a current email and to mail address with the DBPR through which all correspondence from the Department will be sent. This includes license renewal notices, important board information, service of process, etc.

Florida Asbestos License Application

Any individual applying for licensing must show proof of licensure or certification as a professional engineer, architect, geologist, or certified safety professional.

Applicants must provide proof of completion of Department-approved courses, which include but are not limited to:

  • Approved respiratory protection course
  • Approved product designer course
  • Approved asbestos management planner course

Experience: Applicants must also curate a list showing a minimum of 10 asbestos projects within the last five years. Additionally, applications must include project verification forms for each project included on the project list.

Furthermore, applicants for the asbestos consultant license must have completed two projects in; surveys, operations, maintenance plans, asbestos abatement project management and supervision, including air monitoring, design, and implementation of asbestos abatement projects, or any combination of the categories.

Applicants must indicate on the project list which of the required categories they are attempting to satisfy with each job.

In addition, applicants will be required to fulfill the following:

Examination requirements:

Applicants must have passed the state of Florida asbestos consultant examination.

Personal financial credit: applicants require a credit report from a nationally recognized credit reporting agency, including public records checked at the local state and federal levels. The financial responsibility requirement is met if the submitted credit report shows no outstanding unsatisfactory judgments or liens against the applicant.

Bondability: applicants must submit a statement of bondability or an irrevocable letter of credit of $10000 or more to the Department

Penalties for Handling Asbestos Without a License in Florida

Handling asbestos without a license in Florida can lead to a series of administrative fines. According to the Florida states statutes chapter 499.009 (a-h), the Department may reprimand, suspend or withdraw the license of any individual that is guilty of performing any act or assisting individuals who are also unlicenced in unlicensed and prohibited asbestos contracts or handling and is punishable by fines of not more than $5000.

The violator may be required to take education classes or be made to make financial restitution to the customer, which is generally handled on a case by case basis.

The Unlicensed Activity (ULA) program, which operates within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), was created to serve the citizens of the State of Florida by instructing them on the dangers inherent in the unlicensed activity and investigating complaints filed against unlicensed individuals.

The ULA Unit works to prosecute individuals practicing without a license and law enforcement agencies. During a state of emergency, the penalty for unlicensed activity is elevated from a misdemeanor to a third-degree felony.